8-10.5 years

Learn practical skills while having adventures with friends

For Cubs, excitement and adventure are key. Their programme offers a huge variety of activities surrounding areas of fitness, global and beliefs; whilst allowing them to be creative and get involved in their local communities. Cubs are introduced to exciting outdoor skills and take part in adventurous activities, as well as camps and residential experiences.

The Cub Pack is the second section of the Scout Group following on from Beavers. Cub Scouts are young people aged between 8 and 10 ½.


We have one Cub pack at 2nd Abingdon. Meetings are on Thursday evenings in term-time at Scout Hut from 19:00 – 20:30.

Joining Cubs

At present, we are unable to accommodate new Cubs as the section is full.

There are currently vacancies for Cubs at other groups in Abingdon and you can add your child’s name to the Thames Ridge District website waiting list on their website.

Join the Cubs waiting list$

Join and learn skills for life

Spaces are limited, so get your child's name on the list early!

Join 2nd Abingdon$

Get involved...

We're always looking for new Scout leaders, fundraising volunteers, committee members and occasional helpers. Whether you've got a little or a lot of time to spare, we need your help! 

Find out more $

The Leaders

Daniel Lovell

Daniel Lovell

Cub Scout Leader

Beth Lovell

Beth Lovell

Cub Scout Leader

Louise Broad

Louise Broad

Section Assistant

Our Sections

Beavers - 6-8 years

Make friends and try new indoor and outdoor activities

Beavers - 6-8 years
Cubs - 8-10.5 years

Learn practical skills while having adventures with friends

Cubs - 8-10.5 years
Scouts - 10.5-14 years

Build confidence, resilience and a sense of adventure

Scouts - 10.5-14 years
Explorers - 14-18 years

Take the lead, work together, and embrace new experiences

Explorers - 14-18 years

Do more.

Share more.

Be more.
